Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Post holidays

I made it though the holidays.  It was a good one for all.  I was even able to be creative making a bunch of the gifts.  I was glad about that.  Mom got a digital photo frame, with copies of negatives that I had scanned in.  I even have been learning Photo shop while I scan them.  some are not in the beast of condition.  The are old, going back into the 1920's and some were just poorly stored.  It has been cool looking at all the funny clothes and looking at things I remember but never in that setting. 

The boys loved their jester hats in school colors.  The family liked them so much their mother wants one now.  Oh, more scraps to use up.  I win!!!!

I've been busy sewing with a friend.  She has not been sewing as long as I have. She needs to learn to take more time.  She needs to learn that is does not always come out well the first time you make something and she needs to learn that her seam ripper can be a very good friend.

Now if only I could fine another few free hours to get some of the other stuff done.

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